This website contains solutions for most of the exercises from `Quantum Computation and Quantum Information` (Nielsen, Michael A. and Chuang, Isaac L., 2011) (aka "Mike and Ike"). I built it in 2023 to prepare for a job in quantum computation (which I got in 2024). At that time I worked as a software developer. I had no prior experience in quantum computation but I was already an expierenced mathematician (PhD in 2017).
I do not actively update the site but I leave it online in the hope that it is helpful for others learning the subject.
The site is generated from org-mode files hosted on github. It contains code blocks written in python or sage (sage is a python based computer algebra system). Do not expect those to work anymore (e.g. some rely on old versions of qiskit prior v1.0). Nevertheless they might still be informative enough to aid understanding the solutions.
Nielsen, Michael A. and Chuang, Isaac L. (2011). Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition, Cambridge University Press.